
10.1.04 Mother's checking account

Signing Mother's checks.

Mother and Daddy had separate checking accounts. Mother worked all of her married life and retired as a government employee from the accounting division of Defense Electronic Supply Center in Ohio. Mother's retirement income was greater than Daddy's income. One of the few times that Mother absolutely put her foot down was when she started her own checking account while Daddy had his own checking account and this started when she moved to Virginia. Each had household payment responsibilities.

Mother's illness progressed to the point where she could no long sign her name because of the tremors. Mother ask me if I would sign her checks. I said OK, but I would let the siblings know. I talked to Gail and ekj, explained that mom wanted wanted me to sign her checks and did they have a problem with it and the answer was no from both. I track my personal account via on-line and put all transactions in quicken pro-books so I naturally did that with mother's account.

The monthly bank statements were sent to Mom and Dad's house and after, I assume Dad, opened the statements, they were give to me for balancing.

I told both siblings that I would send both monthly reports and gave both the username and password for
the on-line account. Both declined the reports. ekj ultimately used the username and password to block my access to the account.

My only instructions were to keep Daddy from knowing what she spent money on. Mother gave money to the church which Daddy didn't like, nor did he like most of her other purchases. 


9.22.04 Barbara re food prep

From: barbara lochner <
To: Sheila King
Cc: springhl@infinet.com
Sent: Wed, September 22, 2004 2:22:55 PM
Subject: food

I talked to mother at length re their schedule and
think the best thing they can do is eat their major
meal mid-day when Theresa can prepare it, pack up the
leftovers, and put the dishes in the dishwasher on the
way out.  This way the food is fresh, will taste best,
and has maximum nutrition.  It will be at least one
hot meal per day. It also keeps mom and dad away from
the stove, boiling water, heavy pots, etc. as much as
possible.  Also cuts down on the possibility of food
going bad. Also doesn't require all that space in the
refrigerator. They can have left-overs, sandwiches,
and/or easy to prepare other foods at night. Or, if
you are there and making something they like for
dinner, you can share. 
Having the main meal at mid-day is not unheard of and
anti-Christ.  Half the world eats this way. The
mid-day meal is called dinner and the evening meal is
called supper.  Daddy grew up eating this way. 
Grandma King did not - repeat - did not fire up the
stove at night. They ate what was in the warming oven
or sitting out from dinner (lunch). 
Mother seems to think she can try this.  Daddy should
be okay with this if he's reminded that this is how
farmers schedule their meals...and how his own mother
This simple change is the best thing they can do for
themselves by far. 
The only downside is that this will take away from
Teresa's cleaning time, but Rita can come more
also not unheard of and anti-Christ.
I am making a list of all the foods I remember daddy
eating...easy to prepare foods they will eat that
Teresa can cook, suggested menu combinations, etc.  
I am also making copies of easy to prepare recipes
with a few simple ingredients.
I will get these to you as I finish them.


9.13.04 Barbara email to friend

From: barbara lochner <
Sent: Mon, September 13, 2004 6:04:33 PM
Subject: addendum

I just reread my last msg to you and realize I did not
make it clear that my brother thinks I should relocate
back there and take my equal share in caring for my
parents. While having no control of any of the
circumstances. We are talking about people who refuse
to consider meals on wheels and the local senior
support agency.  Yet think nothing of expecting me to
give up my income, house, friends, etc. and go back in
wait of my mother's ringing bell and daddy's next
header off the tractor.


4.04 CBGD - Mother's disease

Corticobasal Ganglionic Degeneration, or CBGD, is not a common illness. It is difficult to pronounce, let alone to understand. In a world full of neurologic disease oriented foundations, such as the United Parkinson’s Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association, Multiple Sclerosis Society, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of America (to name only a few), there is no, nor is there likely to soon be, a “Corticobasal Ganglionic Degeneration Organization.” Yet this disease exists. It impacts real people and real families. It presents overwhelming challenges to all it touches. It is a profound condition that effects our ability to communicate through spoken and written word, and gesture. Yet it typically leaves our comprehension and insight intact. A common theme which emerges for the patient and their family is isolation. The patient can feel progressively cut off from their ability to communicate with the outside world. Their family feels isolated from the medical and caregiver community because few people understand this disease, and there are few support groups or organizations dedicated to it.