
2.6.05 Shee to Barbara emails

From: barbara lochner <To:
Sent: Sun, February 6, 2005 8:34:48 PM
Subject: Re: mother's blood pressure meds

Re not using good judgment - no kidding!!!  I have
talked to daddy several times, trying to get him to
drink water.  Mother thinks he threw up this a.m.  I
think he is getting dehydrated.  He says he never was
one much for water and that is that.
I am sending mother a copy of the e-mail I sent you
regarding the wrong blood pressure meds...I am not
sending her the pages and pages and pages I am sending
you.  If you will go over them with her -- I am going
to start working on her regarding showing this
information to her Dr. and asking for a change.  The
book says that coming off the calcium blocker must be
monitored by a Dr... 
Enjoy your trip..I will talk to you then.  Love. 
--- m wrote:

> Hi.  Thanks for e-mail and call.  I have been taking
> care of my mother for 
> the last few days and am EXHAUSTED.  We will be
> traveling to FL on Tuesday and 
> will chat with you while on the road, if that's
> okay.  You know your Dad is 
> very sick.  He even asked Wayne if he would feed his
> barn kitties until further 
> notice.  We're talking sick.  He looks like a dead
> man and said he felt awful.  
> He has coughed so much and your Mom complains that
> he never covers his mouth 
> even though she tried to get him to.  Also, we have
> been trying to convince 
> her that she needs Theresa on Saturdays as well. 
> Popa put his foot down and 
> said no, so she has a battle on her hands, but she
> missed her breakfast with the 
> gang yesterday.  Popa was too sick to help her get
> ready and she asked Wayne 
> if he would help.  He told her no, that he was going
> to NC early.  So she 
> missed the party and was not happy.  Maybe if she
> gets unhappy enough she will 
> pitch a fit and bring in Theresa for Saturdays.  I
> wouldn't even have to be for 
> the entire day, maybe 8:00-12:00 for example.  Wayne
> talked to Teresa and she 
> said that she would be happy to work on Saturdays
> also.  Don't know what else we 
> can do at this point.  I respect that there are
> things they should be 
> deciding for themselves, but they just don't seem to
> be using good judgment.  Talk 
> soon.  Love, Shee