
8.16.09 Ltr re $14K

From: Wayne King 
Subject: Re: $14,000 and $1000 small claims
To: "barbara lochner"
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 8:53 AM

I did not give permission to settle those outstanding General District Court cases. I was under the understanding that the substance of the cases were to be shifted to Karen Bishop.

From: barbara lochner
To: karen bishop <kkbishop2002@yahoo.com>
Cc: wayne king >
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:36:30 AM
Subject: $14,000 and $1000 small claims

I located a letter (fax) from Adam Kinser to Judge R Larry Lewusm dated March 26, 09
advising him that the cases called out had been settled.  One case was Angela Reed, college loan, and the two others were reimbursement of the insurance moneys and  mother's half of the logging done on the property.
Richard Kennedy was cc'd.
I also have a directive from Quillen's court in Oct, listing these cases and moving them to an unnamed date in December, 08.
I am assuming that Dec date is when Kinser stood up and announced these cases had been settled for the amounts I have stated.  Mother was alive at this time and I have corespondence attempting to collect this money.
These cases were filed by Wayne and possibly he signed off on the settlements or gave permission to the attorneys to sign off.  He will have to provide that information. They had been set for May 13, 2009 but because of the settlement they were dismissed and removed from the courts docket.
I will send copies of the 'play it forward' October mention and the March 26, 09 letter from Kinser to Judge Lewis.  I would like to think this is enough information for you to confirm that LKJ does indeed owe this money to mother's estate as mother was alive at the time LKJ stole the money, at still alive at the time the cases were settled.


8.14.09 Bishop email re $14K

From: kkbishop2002@yahoo.com <kkbishop2002@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: $14,000 ins $ stolen
To: "barbara lochner" 
Date: Friday, August 14, 2009, 8:03 AM

Thx for info. I did not know. Thought this money was for van and college. She has to pay that back. Will look at court file of jidge mcelyea. Again thank uSent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

From: barbara lochner
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:05:51 -0700 (PDT)
To: karen bishop<kkbishop2002@yahoo.com>
Subject: $14,000 ins $ stolen

It occurs to me that you don't know anything about this $14,000.

LKJ would certainly not volunteer to tell you.

For several months dad's caregivers turned in their claims as usual.  I want to say late 07 and spring of 08. When the insurance checks were deposited into dad's bank account, LKJ did not pay the caregivers but kept the money. I had to make up pay to the caregivers from mother's money as parents required 24 hr care.

 Over several months, this added up to $14,000 and was documented to the courts satisfaction and LKJ & her lawyers agreed she was to pay it.  She never did.  I doubt LKJ will willingly admit to this but if her lawyer is capable of telling the truth he will confirm this.